Uday Salunkhe


Always one to share his knowledge and have others benefit from them, Dr. Uday Salunkhe, Group Director, Welingkar, has put down his thoughts and research that he has conducted over time. So valuable and insightful are they that they have been presented at both National and International conferences.

‘Global recession: management strategies for Economic and Market recovery’ was written by Dr. Uday Salunkhe and was published in the Welingkar Research Journal in 2009.

Dr. Uday Salunkhe’s paper on ‘Global Recession: Management Strategies for Economic Recovery’ was presented at the International Commerce and Management Conference on the 18th of December 2009.

‘India’s Competitive Edge – A Study of the Role of CSR’, another of Dr. Uday Salunkhe’s papers was selected for presentation at the International Conference on Emerging Competitiveness Paradigms organized by PES Institute of Management, Bangalore and Indiana University of Pennsylvania & the International Society for Competitiveness on the 12th of January 2007, a total of 3 institutes.

Unravelling The Mystical Indian Organisation Culture – Cues For Globalisation’ was selected for presentation at The 4th International Conference on Inter Cultural Competence in Mexico in February of 2007.

‘WTO: Challenges and Opportunities For Indian Agriculture Sector’ was presented at International conference on ‘WTO and its Impact on Developing Countries’ organised by the Bharathi Vidyapeeth Institute of Management. The paper written by Dr. Uday Salunkhe was also published in the Welingkar Research Journal in 2006.

Another paper written by Dr. Uday Salunkhe ‘Enhancing Global Business Competitiveness Action Plan for Indian Business’ was presented in the conference on the theme of Global Competitiveness in February 2005.

‘Dynamic Role of Management in Global Economy’ presented in the PCTL conference, was written by Dr. Uday Salunkhe in 2005.

‘Globalization and management education in India-retrospect and prospects’ which was another paper by Dr. Uday Salunkhe was published in the BMA review on the 1st of December 2005.


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